Useful information

Time Zone: GMT (- 3 hours)

Local Currency: Argentine Pesos.

Voltage: 220 Volts.

Climate: During the summer temperatures are warm (December to March) ranging between 15 and 35 degrees Celsius (59 Fº – 95 Fº) Low temperatures in winter (June to September) ranging between 3 and 15 degrees centigrade (37 Fº – 59 Fº).

The rest of the year the climate develops with pleasant average temperatures and a warm climate.


Main places of interest nearby


Puerto Madero: 10 minutes.

Palermo Soho / Palermo Holywood: 15 minutes.

La Recova: 5 minutes.

The gastronomic businesses close their doors after midnight during the weekends.

You can find Pharmacies and Drugstores open 24 hours a day, along with fast food establishments.

Sites of General Interest

La Rural // http://www.larural.com.ar

Buenos Aires Convention Center: 900 meters // 6 minutes on foot.

Iglesia Ntra. Señora del Pilar: 400 meters // 3 minutes on foot.

Recoleta Cemetery: 400 meters // 3 minutes on foot. // http://www.turismo.buenosaires.gob.ar/es/atractivo/cementerio-de-la-recoleta

Recoleta Cultural Center: 400 meters // 3 minutes on foot. // http://www.centroculturalrecoleta.org/nuevositio/

Plaza Francia Artisan Fair: 400 meters // 3 minutes on foot.

Hard Rock Café: 400 meters // 3 minutes on foot. // http://www.hardrock.com/cafes/buenos-aires/

National Library: 900 meters // 6 minutes on foot. // http://www.bn.gov.ar/

Obelisk: 3 Km // 15 minutes. // http://www.turismo.buenosaires.gob.ar/es/atractivo/obelisco

Colón Theater: 2.5 km // 10 minutes. // http://www.teatrocolon.org.ar/

Casa Rosada: 3 Km // 15 minutes. // http://www.casarosada.gob.ar/la-casa-rosada/historia

Cabildo: 2.8 Km // 15 minutes. // https://cabildonacional.cultura.gob.ar/

San Telmo: 3.5 km // 20 minutes.


Recoleta Mall: 300 meters // 3 minutes on foot. http://www.recoletamall.com.ar/

Patio Bullrich: 1.3 km // 5 minutes. http://www.shoppingbullrich.com.ar/

Pacific Galleries: 3 Km // 15 minutes. http://www.galeriaspacifico.com.ar/

Alto Palermo Shopping: 2 Km // 10 minutes. http://www.altopalermo.com.ar/

Santa Fe Avenue: 400 meters // 3 minutes on foot.

The malls begin their activities at 10 AM, closing their doors between 9 PM and 10 PM depending on the case. They are open every day.

Independent businesses open their doors at 9 AM, until 8 PM. On Saturdays they can work full-time or part-time (until 1 PM). On Sundays they are mostly closed.

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